An unlikely hero today, and one that I wasn't aware of until I was doing my daily "research" into granting some lucky slob hero status. As I was doing that research, and finding it increasingly likely that we would be hero-less again today, I stumbled upon the smiling lady above, one Alice Timander born this day 1915, in Stockholm, Sweden. Stick with me on this one dear readers, because Mrs. Timander is not your average leap tall buildings in a single bound type of hero. Her first claim to fame came as a dentist.That is right a fucking dentist has become a hero of the day, and since I have just recently had dental work done I figured the dental world needed a hero. Of course, she was not your average open up and get ready to be butchered type of dentist (I have seen those kind before). Mrs. Timander became in 1937, at the tender age of 21, the youngest female dentist in Sweden. Not a bad achievement. At the age of 21, I was pissing my youth away by bagging groceries for a "living." In 1949, she scandalized the Dental world by appearing publicly in a bikini. Why can't I get a dentist that looks like that, and is willing to piss of the world by appearing half naked in public? Her response to all the uproar was classic, she appeared in public in an even skimpier bikini. My kind of woman! I searched in vain on the Internet for a the picture of Mrs. Timander in her homemade bikini, but typing in Swedish and bikini led me to a lot of websites best not viewed at work. Terrible stuff that has no place being on the web, just like society to clog up the web with pictures of half naked blond girls. Interfering with my vital, intellectual research with all that eye candy. A fucking disgrace I tell you. She somehow translated her dental fame into becoming known as the Swedish red carpet queen, appearing at movie premiers for decades. She even got involved in politics becoming an advocate of free dental care, and joining political party to try to get the idea passed. However, she later resigned from that party because she believed they were only using her for her fame. That I can appreciate as well, telling a political party (a bunch of users) to fuck off for using her. So, for having the balls (so to speak) to be the first women in Sweden to appear in a bikini, thus paving the way for the famous Swedish bikini team, and for being an advocate of free dental care for the underprivileged, Alice Timander (October 6th, 1915- July 3rd, 2007 of a brain tumor at the age of 91) you are my heroine of the day.
that is one beautiful photo :)
and she was a cool woman, although some of her premiere going clothes weren't the best choice... but they did cause a stir!
I shall afford will disagree
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