Friday, July 07, 2006

A World Without God

Everything is far from being permitted in a world without God. A shift occurs as to where your outlook lies (or it is lays). Murder for example, is still,in most respects immoral and "wrong." There is still a moral compass, you just have to figure it out for yourself, and generally by yourself. Morals and social mores still affect, and in some respects govern you, but you now have to realize that the punishment you receive while alive may be all the punishment you receive. If that is the case, you much take that punishment even more seriously. I am a prosecutor and a non-believer however, I am against the death penalty. I believe that life is all we have after that there is the "void after death". To take that away even from the most heinous of individuals is, in some respects to play God. I am certainly not qualified to play God, I have enough trouble getting my dry cleaning done. Also, my opinion is if you sentence someone to the ultimate penalty of death for there crimes, a shift in public opinion might occur. Suddenly, this person isn't the animal that killed a 92 year old grandmother with a baseball bat for 12 bucks, but now they are someone's son or daughter facing death. All the civil rights groups who, rightly or wrongly oppose the death penalty rally around this person, and attempt to paint them in the most favourable light possible. Mostly forgotten is the reason the person is in jail to begin with. We humanize this person to such an extreme point that they sudden become the victim. Sorry about the length and the tangent I went off on, it seems I am having a reflective day.


tideliar said...

I hadn't thought about it like before. Tres cogent, old boy. More so than my most recent post I fear...

Anonymous said...

Bien écrit! I don't fear the "void after death", but rather an inadequate life. I guess I had better get busy...