Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tidy You bastard

Being tagged is bad enough, but I haven't been blogging log enough to be able to tag 5 people. May you rot in hell.

Five Things in My Freezer

Ice Cream (french vanilla)
about 7 hot pockets (two minutes and death awaits)
a bottle of vodka (my roommate's I swear)
a couple of decrepit ice trays
frozen hashbrowns (don't ask)

Five Things in My Closet

my suits
my ties (a sad thing I must wear for my job)
a box of books that I seem to refuse to unpack
a load of white shirts that I can not longer wear (they shrunk I tell you)
a few magazines dealing with anatmony

Five Things in My Car
a random tie just in case I forget it on the way to work
a pack of gum
lots of change
a map

Five Things My Purse/Man-Bag/Wallet/Pockets
my cellphone
about 3 dollars in cash
it appears I am two items short


Anonymous said...

u coulda said u hadda boa constricker in there and a bottle of pernod

*~*Michelle*~* said...

Do you really carry a man bag???? Tell me you do not carry a man bag!!!

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