Saturday, April 24, 2010


The short, stocky, slow-witted, bald man above is one George Louis Costanza (as portrayed by Jason Alexander), and he was born "sometime in April" according to what he told the spiritual healer Tor, and since I figure that if scholars can make up Shakespeare's birthday, I can place Georgie boy birthday on today. A day that was sorely lacking in real life heroes. He has been described with the phrase above by both himself, and other characters in the series, he also proclaimed himself "Lord of the Idiots" in one episode. He has also been called "the greatest character in a sitcom of all time." I have to agree with all of those things. He is all of that and more. I have been, upon more than one occasion, compared to George. I have to say that I cannot deny there might be some similarities in our personality. I think that the "Independent George/Relationship George" bit on the show was, not only spot on, but one of the funniest things I have ever seen on TV, and I am a comedy snob. I do not watch a lot of comedy, mainly because I think that most of it is not funny (I am looking with contempt at you Will Farrell, and Steven Carrell). He is shown above wearing what is, for most of the entire series, his standard type of attire. George is not a flashy dresser, nor does his rapidly disappearing hair require a lot of styling. He has claimed that his choice of colours is based upon his mood, so maybe he is more hip than we think. The major thing I share with George (other than slow wit, and stockiness) is his anger. Somewhere (probably in his fucked up childhood) George got angry at the world for some reason, and he is very quick to let the world know that he is angry at its unfairness. Although to George, (and I hope unlike me) his anger is the anger of being mad at the world not being fair to him, not just unfair. He and I also share a love for nice toilets. I am a big fan of his idea of having the door of a public toilet go all the way to the ground for the sake of privacy (I saw this in a airport in the Netherlands, and was blown away), a flush like a jet engine is the standard by which I judge toilets. George is not the nicest fellow in the world, nor is he the swiftest horse in the stable, but it is the relationship between George and Jerry that is the most important one in the show. I think that the predicaments that George finds himself in throughout the show are the funniest of the group. Art Vandelay is one of the most well known "fake names" in the world due to George's constant use of it. He is horrid at relationships (another trait we have in common), and he goes through jobs like cheap toilet paper. I once tried his speech to his boss when quitting his real estate job, but calling my boss "a laughingstock" was not the best idea that I ever ripped off of him. He is full of neuroses, and everyone of them is funny. When he tells his mother that he is a porn star, and his name is "Buck Naked" I still cry with laughter. He might not be a fellow you would trust with your life, love, or money, but he is one solid character. Sure to liven up any party, but maybe not always in a good way. So, for all of those funny moments that will go down in American TV history, and for making a comedy snob like myself howl with peals of laughter, George Louis Costanza (sometime in April, sometime in the middle 1960's (I think)-present), you are my (240th), hero of the day.

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