Thursday, April 01, 2010


The studious looking fellow above is one William Harvey born this day 1578, in Folkestone, England. He eventually went to Caius College, Cambridge, and from there to the University of Padua so he could study medicine. He graduated with his medical degree in 1602, and then obtained a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Cambridge. He was one smart, educated fellow, and everyone who came into contact with him could tell. After leaving Cambridge, he joined the College of Physicians in London, and eventually took a job at Saint Bartholomew's hospital. This position was the one he would hold for most of the remainder of his life, it helped him start a thriving practice, and eventually he was name physician to King James I. In 1628, he published his masterpiece, De Motu Cordis. It was published in Frankfurt-on-the-Main, (mainly in order to take advantage of a local book fair, which would ensure immediate exposure to the public). This book was the first to detail correctly, and in exact detail the circulation of the blood. It was a ground breaking work of staggering genius, and is the reason that M. Harvey is our hero of the day. Even more impressive is he was able to make all of these discoveries without proper tools, most of his work was done in theory, but the theories were sound, and modern medicine owes a great debt to Dr. Harvey. So, for showing up the way that blood flows, and writing it all down so that others could read and learn, William Harvey (April 1st, 1578- June 3rd, 1657 at the age of 79 of a cerebral hemorrhage) you are my (218th) hero of the day.

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