Wednesday, August 16, 2006

RE: Judges

In response to Tidy's comment. Judges do just that they judge they listen to all the dross and big words us moronic lawyers toss at them, shift through it and volia! MAKE A DECISION! At least in the normal world. Some judges make their minds up right away, and all the king's horses and all the king's men are not going to change it. Some will listen to you blather away, and then fly in the face of all logic and do something that completely flies in the face of the proof before them. DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT SPEAKING OF ANY PARTICULAR JUDGE!!!! Judges, despite some of thinking otherwise, are people too, and with that humanity comes all the baggage. Some are brilliant, well-read, well-spoken jurists that are deeply committed to being as just and fair as possible. Some could not spell CAT if you spotted them the C and the T, and are more concerned with trying to avoid getting on the news. When a judge makes a ruling for or against me I can usually respect it, if there is a sound reason for the decision (Although I will admit, I HATE TO LOSE, so it usually takes about an hour for me to realize that I was not just robbed of a verdict by a total fuckwit). Generally speaking, the cases that go to trial have issues that are truly debatable (very generally speaking). That is why you have two lawyers in monkey suits "making their case" judges (the brighter ones) know these arguments as well and take the time to weigh both sides before rendering a verdict. Also, for the most part, both sides will (hopefully) have/make some valid points. Therefore, in my humble opinion, a verdict that "splits the baby" is (generally) a verdict that a) makes both parties mad, and b) is probably the closest to "justice" you get. Hope that explains it, dear Tidy, without getting me either fired or sued for libel.

The opinions expressed above are really not opinions there are obviously the ravings of a madman, and should not be taken with any seriousness "signed" The Grand Inquisitor's legal team.

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