Saturday, January 25, 2025

Visiting Day

My "cage" as Felix called it was pretty much that, a cage. Bars, poorly lit, and a bucket for a toilet. It wasn't my first time, nor did I expect it to be my last time, of having a sleep over in my cage, but it certainly perplexed me as to why Felix had caged me this time. I had given him a gift, and this is how he repays me? The ungrateful bastard should be buying me drinks, or at least giving me the coin to buy my own drinks. Not putting me in a cell to ponder my sins. I can ponder those just as well drunk as I can sober, in fact drunk me has a lot more to say about my sins than sober me cares to remember. There wasn't a lot to do in my cage, not a shelf of books to peruse while I waited for Felix to eventually let me loose again. I had no doubt that he would eventually let me loose, he always has before. I am more use of him out in the world bumping into shit, than I am in a cage. But, caging me on a whim lets me focus on who is the big dog in this particular kennel.

There wasn't even a tin cup or a harmonica in my cage to at least allow me to be the stereotypical prisoner with nothing but time to kill. When you are in a cage, time becomes a lot harder to kill. Felix thinks it makes you calm, Felix is a bastard who has killed a lot of time in prison himself. Maybe that makes him an expert, and my amateur opinion about the calming influence of being in stir is wrong. I have no desire to spend enough time in prison to find out that it has calming properties. Of course, the length of my stay was not exactly up to me, I couldn't call the front desk and tell them I wanted early check out. Sadly prison rarely cancels reservations. 

I was laying on the slab of wood that passes for a bed trying to kill time by not freezing to death (Felix somehow manages to lock me away only during the winter). The one blanket was doing a piss poor job of keeping the cold at bay, but Felix was a one blanket each is all you need, kind of guy. Other than plot my revenge on Felix (which I swear one day, I will have) there wasn't a lot for me to do while waiting for him to release me back into the wild. Therefore, I was quite surprised when a familiar voice came out of the gloom (other than cold, Felix also likes to keep my cage mostly dark, I know what a dime novel artifice, but I guess Felix likes dime novels, or maybe he's too cheap to pay the electric bill). 

"Well this isn't quite as palatial as your shit hole of an apartment, but other than a lack of books, it's not too far off." I sighed "fuck me, are things so desperate that Felix let you in here to remind me of my mortality?" My visitor laughed and walked closer to the bars and into the little light I was allowed to have.  "Hullo Nicklas, how are things? I queried my former drinking companion, but now to all appearances a respectable family man. Nicklas smiled slightly, "well things are a lot better for me than they appear to be for you, at least from where I am standing." I laughed "oh don't let the gloom and the cold fool you, I am quite comfy, pondering the nature of the universe, solving all of life's problems, and reinventing the wheel to pass the time." 

"Well, after my little chat with your playmate Felix, I suspect you might have more time to achieve all those goals and more." Nicklas tutted, he was a great one for tutting. "He seems to be quite put out about something you've done latterly than inconvenienced him, he doesn't seem the type to enjoy being inconvenienced." I laughed again, "oh that is just Felix being dramatic. I did him a favour, but I guess I made the mistake of making him do a little actual work for it, and he is pouting, and when Felix pouts I get to spend time here in my cage. He will get over it soon enough and let me go." Nicklas shook his head. "I don't think you understand how mad this fellow is at you. He seems the type to be able to suppress the outward appearances of rage, but it was radiating off of him when he had me in for a chat about you and your sins." 

"Why do you have to be your own worst enemy? Aren't there enough ladies out there who wish you dead, or fellows that you owe money to that would like to snap your legs like twigs?" Nicklas sighed "you really should let them take control of trying to ruin your life, if only for the sake of variety. There are a myriad of diseases out there both social and other types that could just kill you without you helping them along." It was my turn to sigh "did Felix send you in here to lecture me about the perils of living my life, or are you here to get me the fuck out of here?" He shook his head "you know as well as I do that I can't get you out of here, even if I wanted to. Which I am not sure that I do. After all, an invitation to chat with Felix about you isn't delivered with subtly." I peered into the gloom, and noticed the darkness under Nicklas' left eye. I barked a laugh, "you too huh?" He nodded "yeah me too, and unlike you when the goon squad arrived to give me my invite, I had actual people who love me there to see me invited to talk." 

I winced "yes, I suspect one of those people will be quite angry at me for that." He smiled what I considered to be a small smile of triumph "oh yes, she will want to have a little chat with you. If I were you, and I daily thank fuck that I am not, I would ask Felix to keep me in here a little while past the usual time just for your own safety." I nodded "well sadly for me, I don't think I get much say so as to when I am getting out of here, I usually don't and I doubt Felix's heart, if the bastard has one, has grown softer over the years." He grunted agreement "I am pretty sure you are correct, in fact I am for certain you are. That seems to be one reason I got the pleasure, using the term very broadly of seeing you. Felix didn't want you dying of boredom, so he gave me this to give to you. Some light reading, his words not mine, to occupy your time, and to help you understand your situation."  As he said this, he handed me over a slim book, that I took from him. "Well whatever it is, it will help pass the time."

"I think you should look at the title before you get too excited." I looked down at the book, "The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan? What the blue fuck is this? Does Felix think that I am going to find religion or something? If so he is sadly mistaken, and I suspect that 200 pages of dribble about some Pilgrim isn't going to change my mind." Nicklas shook his head "I don't think Felix expects you to find Jesus or any other god in here, I think he's making a point." I laughed "and what point is my old friend Felix making with this nonsense?" Nicklas looked genuinely sad as he said "Bunyan wrote that while he was in prison, or so your boy Felix told me. Not like I have read it either." I raised an eyebrow "prison literature" what is he playing at?" That's when Nicklas sadly told me what Felix's point was. "According to Felix, it took Bunyan twelve years to write it, twelve years that he spent in prison."

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