Before he kills me, or more to his style,has me killed, let's us put some flesh upon our boy Felix. It's hard to do, because out in public you'd never look at Felix and think "that guy has the power to disappear me." However, he does have that power, and he carries it lightly. Not overly tall, not overly short, thin to the point of being a skeleton. Felix wanders around the world, his world, like a man who expects people to get out of his way. Strangely enough, people did get out of his way, sure he had Mutt and Jeff at his disposal to make sure his path was clear, but most of the time Felix when out among the people without those bruisers to make a path for him.
I suppose it was just the aura of Felix that made people step aside for him, like the Queen on her royal procession, people just move aside for him when he wandered down the street. It was a talent that I hated him for, being possessed of the skill of being in everyone's way all the time, I very much wished I had the ability to walk freely down the street. I envied him for that skill, and even more so for the fact he had no clue that he possessed it. Felix sincerely thought that people would make way for other people that they thought had somewhere to be.
Felix had spent a lot of time in prison, and those of us who knew where to look could see the scars on his wrists of previous times when he was shackled. He wore a lot of long sleeves to hide them, but if you were paying attention you could spot them. Of course, bringing them up was a particularly bad idea. Felix did not like to be reminded of his time "on the other side of the table." Trust me, that other side of the table from Felix was not a happy place to be. He is terrifying. What makes it worse is that he is a buck 50 at his heaviest, but still somehow scares the every living shit out of you.
It is not a physical fear, he has Mutt and Jeff for that. They are there to pound the shit out of you if Felix needs them to. But, he rarely needs them to. Mutt and Jeff have a easy posting, being Felix's muscle. Felix doesn't need muscle he's just Felix. If he asks Mutt and Jeff to make you their "playmate" for a while, it is not because he needs them to, he just wants to give them something to do. Felix rarely needs to "beat it out of you." You looked at his skinny, aesthetic ass, and felt some oddly overwhelming desire to confess your sins.
That is the beauty of Felix, he is an aesthetic. Tall without looming over you, thin without being skinny, and with cornflower blue eyes that would drill into you in search of the answer he wanted. Felix would say he was in search of the truth, and maybe that is true, but when Felix turned those bluer than blue eyes upon you, the truth became whatever you thought he wanted to hear. It is the glare of the fanatic, the look of a man who knows all your dirty, little secrets, and is willing to listen to you share them before he has to tell you that he already knows. It is the give you the rope and let you hang yourself theory of interrogation and he is a master of it.
If you had a death wish, you'd look at Felix and tell him that "he needs to eat a sandwich." You wouldn't be wrong, but it is unlikely Felix would appreciate the comment. In fact, I am of the opinion that Felix eats like a horse, but it is the fervor for the "cause" that burns within him that makes him unable to gain weight. His internal engine is burning so hot that all that is left is the bare necessity to keep him body and soul together. That internal fire is what keeps Felix going.
At some point during his fanatical life, Felix obtained a wife and children. Bring them up to him to your cost. He is not the type to wax poetic about the woman who stole his heart, if he even has a heart. Good for her for stealing what may not even exist. Felix will tell you, generally as he is putting you in prison, that "prison will make you calm." You take one look at the scars on his wrist, and the blueness of his eyes, and you can't argue with him.
Make him mad, which is really hard to do no matter what he lets you think, and you will see the blueness of those eyes increase tenfold. They blaze, they burn, and they bore a hole into your soul that God itself couldn't repair, even if it wanted to. You have to be around Felix a lot, and to my sadness I have, to know that Felix has anger and he has being mad. Felix's anger is terrible to behold, and you'd rather it not be directed at you, but it is a lot better than making him mad at you.
I've had the joy of both. I've had Felix's anger aimed in my general direction, and it was a physically unpleasant experience. I had a limp for about six weeks. Then I made him mad, and that is why I am here, in some dive bar trying to make a contact with a fellow that Felix wants deceased. It isn't the cleanest way to live, but it is a way to stay alive at least for me.
Felix is of the opinion that he owns me body and soul, and he isn't far off the mark. But there is still a place inside of me that Felix can't touch. The beauty of it is that he knows this. It might be the only reason that he hasn't had me made unalive yet. In somewhat good news, I do have a few examples of Felix's writings. Writings that might take a bit of the shine off the armor of the knight of the revolution. I also, might have someone in his office that tells me things that Felix doesn't want people to know.
I wonder if maybe Felix knows this, Felix seems to know everything. Which is quite distressing when you have as much to hide as I do. This little sketch of Felix is just to let the world know what I am dealing with. If I write vaguely blame Felix. I do not like the late night visits from his goons. I certainly do not like sitting across from a self satisfied looking Felix as he tents his fingers and reminds me that "you know GI....."